Get out of my way
I work in what is often noted as being the ugliest building on campus. It’s 13 stories high with lots of tumor causing stuff on top. I look out of my window to a brick wall (that I have sadly come to appreciate as my own Ayres rock while I watch the colours change as the day goes by outside). The airconditioning is so bad that I am currently still wearing my coat and scarf.
Just now I was in the very grey and dingy stairwell and between levels 3 and 4 I nearly tripped on a very pasty looking student sitting on the stairs who had chosen that spot as a nice place to stop and eat his lunch. Seriously, around 200m away there is a picturesque** river with trees and ducks.
** river may not actually be that picturesque
Just now I was in the very grey and dingy stairwell and between levels 3 and 4 I nearly tripped on a very pasty looking student sitting on the stairs who had chosen that spot as a nice place to stop and eat his lunch. Seriously, around 200m away there is a picturesque** river with trees and ducks.
** river may not actually be that picturesque