Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your life's direction.

That is the stupidest positive thinking quote ever and I think there's a grammar error in it?

It seems that I’ve done something to offend the gods... maybe it’s the fact that I generally ignore their existence. It seems like everything I touch that’s even slightly technical, including such perceived ‘easy to use’ gadgets like keys and the kettle, seem to be against me.

Why does my external hard drive not like the computers I try to plug it into, my ipod has a picture of a sad face on it and the only sound it makes is the ‘click of death’, winamp has become corrupted and will only play music back at 4 x normal speed, my V-fest tix haven’t arrived but everyone else’s have, when I try to open the back gate, it doesn’t open, the light I bought from ikea was smashed when I opened the box, my printer no longer prints on heavy paper, it took me an hour and a complete dismantling of the sewing machine to get it to take up the bobbin thread, and I spilt an entire cup of hot coffee down my dress and now I have red burn blisters everywhere, not to mention my new video editing software won’t burn dvds and nor will my new dvd authoring software and someone stole the light off my bike, I’m in a constant state of implementing workarounds...

My friend sonia has been trying to convince me that its all to do with energy… and some kind of secret that I clearly don’t understand and completely disrespect.

On the bright side, james gave me some zines he bought at the zine fair he went to and I questioned the point of their existence in paper form, but they worked fine and are perfect for taking on the bus to distract from the body odour of the bus people and despite having read both stories b4, they were very good reading. Thanks james :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

To disc or disk... or maybe just dick

just recieved the following email from a lady academic at work:

Dear ~~~,

I am coming over your way for a meeting this afternoon, so if you are finished, I can collect the hard dick from you.

hope it has not continued to be your 'worst nightmare'!

Dr ****** *******

Friday, March 02, 2007

I wanna grow up to be… a degausser

Tani and I got home to find a package on the doorstep… it was addressed to Jon so we went right ahead and opened it and this is what we found!

We started to regret opening someone else’s mail at that point.

But it turns out it was for Chun-Li who’s been sitting in the shed in need of a good degaussing!

And so we degaussed, and it all came to life

mov 1MB

Then Jon lived out his dream, finnished ff, and he even got his happy ending

mov 2.5MB