How fun is moving house, I tell ya what it’s a barrel of laughs.
We used removalists who were really good and if you’re ever needing 2 guys, 1 truck and an extra guy who they just pay cash, let me know and I’ll give you their number.
One of the guys looked just like John Voit and had a German accent, one was called Duncan and the other guy was totally non memorable. They were jokers alright…
Duncan to Tg: “So where do you want me to put the drugs I found under your bed?”
Tg: Stares at him saying nothing for a long time before realising he was joking
Nai to John Voit: “So I think we’ll have to reassemble this once it’s in the room”
John Voit: (with heavy sarcasim + german accent where think is pronounced sink) “You sink.. do you”
Tg to Duncan: “This bed comes apart”
Duncan: “Is that right? I’ve never moved a bed before.”
Duncan and the other guy to me when I walked out and announced they still had to move the chest freezer and dryer from out the back: “Are you right there?”
I think they were talking about the beer I was drinking. Cause it was 11am and I had just cracked open a beer and was wearing a dress and inappropriate footwear while they were loading a bunch of my really heavy shit in a truck for me.
So I said “hmm, yeh, sorry.. do you guys want a beer?”
but they just stared at me, no-one answered… I couldn’t work out if their expressions meant: “She’s an alcoholic” or “What a bitch, I wanna beer so bad but JohnVoit will tell me off in a stern German accent if I do”
Later in the day Duncan brought up the beer thing to me again when I was carrying a pale ale cartoon full of books out of the truck “you just cant stop yourself can you”, and then John Voit stepped in and said “Dunnnccaaan, remember ze rules” and then Duncan said to me “Oh yeh, no girls allowed in the truck”
and so I dropped the carton of books and went and sat on the couch with my beer while they moved more of my stuff around.
Seriously though, they knew what they were doing, I didn’t hear one ‘nah, you gotta turn it this way’, ‘you can’t put that in first’, ‘there’s no way that’s gonna fit there’ out of any of them.
The move went surprisingly smoothly and now we've just got 1000 boxes of crap to unpack.
There are a few things funni in the new house though, like my wardrobe. The rod for hanging clothes so tall I can't reach it. Who knew that you had to specify to the wardrobe makers that you weren’t a giant?
The other really really funni thing is that we don’t have any gas yet, and so that means no stove and no hot water and no hot showers. It’s hilarious.
But overall, it’s new, it’s bright, it’s shiny and its ours. Awww…
well actually, its not ours, but we're there.. :)