i don't really get it, but the old folks at my Nanna's home didn't seem to see the difference, so who am i to cry humbug
ba humbug, it's a fucking stupid idea
something i ate didn't seem to agree with me, the turkey was good, but the potato was a rock, the ice cream was good, but my sister thought the plum pudding was a rhubarb
the entertainment was pretty good, Tee Tree Gully Troupedours, they knew all the favourites... they started with a medley of weather songs, to help us get through the draught, my Nan's favourite:
When I pre-tend I'm gay,
I never feel that way,
I'm only painting the clouds with sunshine.
..jees, that's quite depressing isn't it..
followed by Singing in the Rain, Raindrops keep falling on my head, September rain, and all the other rain classics.
Then they each did a solo, best being the big old guy who sang one of those really low voice deep river songs, worst being the lady who's voice clearly didn't cut the mustard so she tried to ham it up with 'always a bridesmaid, never a bride', funniest was the old italian crooner who was flirting with my sister, she said it was just cause she was in the front row, but she was clearly making eyes at him.
and they finished it off with a medley of christmas carols for a full audience sing-a-long, ah good times
should be good when we're 89 and having christmas in July at the home and the entertainment commitee bust out smells like teen spirit
and now, because i haven't had enough musical entertainment for the night, jon is giving me his own air guitar rendition of all the great You am I songs they didn't get around to playing tonight